Here we are, a full 18 months since life changed in a pretty significant way! Evan is now 9 months old (9 and a half, actually, but I’m lame at writing blog posts these days), and holy moly, is he 9 months old!
I broke out my big girl camera and took some shots of him, finally. I love them! I even got these printed to frame. It’s a reminder to do things like this more often, that I’m fully capable. Photographing people tends to scare me, but it’s silly to be scared of that, especially with your own kid.
Evan has been sitting up on his own since about 6 1/2 months, and started crawling like a mad man at 8 1/2 months. He. Is. Everywhere. Working from home makes this a difficult prospect. We installed a baby jail (really, it’s one of those baby-gate-turned-play-pen enclosure type things) to keep him in one spot. Evan actually loves it, and plays happily with his toys while I work.
We’re really so lucky that he’s such a laid back kid. He’s also almost walking. You may think I’m crazy to say such a thing, but at Evan’s 9 month appointment, his doctor proclaimed he will be walking before a year, and he’s already doing some standing on his own, and is able to get up from sitting on the floor by himself to do so, without support (and to prove my point, just did it while I was typing this sentence). It’s crazy that he is able to do this, but my back is most grateful that he might be walking on his own soon.
According to that doctor visit, this kid weighs 24.6 lbs, and is 29.25 inches tall, putting him in the 96th and 90th percentile for each. He’s a bruiser, that’s for sure! And it’s no wonder. EJ LOVES to eat. We’ve moved him completely off baby food, he eats what we eat now. He’s a big fan of veggies, pasta, mushrooms, scrambled eggs, and pretty much any meat we’ve given him – even peppery kielbasa (cut tiny, of course)! We find it funny that he always goes straight for the meat on his tray, even if there are other things there. Carnivore, for sure.
We’re doing our best not to pass our food prejudices on to Evan, so I make sure to give him lots of blueberries (I hate them), and he’s had some Annie’s Organic Mac and Cheese, to James’s utter dismay. Strawberries, tomato and basil cheese puffs, and picadillo empanadas top the list of Evan’s favorite foods. He makes a mama proud!
We went to Cleveland last month to see Jamie, Eric, and Elle. So exciting for the babies to finally meet! I can confirm that they are a match made in heaven.

Evan got to see a giraffe for the first time, and Jamie caught the perfect moment on camera. This may be my favorite photo of him, ever.

Uncle James and Elle got along pretty well!

The Cleveland Aquarium is pretty great, and Evan LOVED it way more than I thought he would. He was super into watching the animals. We met an octopus called Ocho, he was awesome.

And date night was the BEST! We clean up pretty well, don’t we?
So what’s new with you guys?
Aimee @ Simple Bites
Tuesday 9th of September 2014
I LOVE that last picture of you two!! <3
He's such a cutie...It makes me sad that we haven't met yet but I know our time is coming!!
Friday 29th of August 2014
I'm so sad I missed you guys this week, I would have loved to have met Evan (and you obviously!)
Deb Harris
Thursday 28th of August 2014
Just found your site & am enjoying looking around & finding new recipes to try. By the way your son is gorgeous! I tried to sign up for email updates but don't know what I did wrong, it kept taking me to flicker. Hope I can sign up. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks
Rachel Cooks
Wednesday 27th of August 2014
He is SUCH a cutie! And you're so lucky he's a good eater. E was the same way but despite our best efforts, N is SO picky.
Sunday 24th of August 2014
I can't believe he's 9 months already!! Such a cutie pie!