I made this gluten free apple and pear cobbler for Lucas. Who is Lucas, you ask? Lucas is my cousin. I was 18 when Carson was born, and 20 when Lucas was born. For a time I helped my aunt out a few days a week with both the boys.
My favorite memory of Lucas and me together was when he was just 8 months old. I fed him his bottle, and then was singing him one of my favorite Disney songs as we rocked together. He was soon fast asleep, and successfully moved to his crib. But there’s nothing like the sweet moments of rocking a baby who’s ready to nap.
Lucas is 10 now, and the spitting image of my uncle, Mark. His blond hair has only just started to darken, the same way both my uncles’ did when they were young. He’s a beautiful, bright boy with limitless possibilities. He also has autism.
One thing that has helped Lucas to be better focused and healthier is to have a gluten free, dairy free diet. I’m sorry to admit that for a long time, I’ve allowed that to intimidate me enough not to cook for Lucas. I cook for everyone else in my family, but I was scared that what I might try to make would hurt Luke more than help him, so I just didn’t.
Enter Shauna, Danny, and Lucy Ahern. I’ve had the chance to talk to Shauna via Twitter, and Lucy was a fixture at BlogHerFood 10 that I most enjoyed seeing. And seeing how joyously, how freely and simply they live gluten free inspired me.
When Shauna asked a bunch of bloggers to take the Gluten-Free challenge, and try to make or bake a recipe using all gluten-free ingredients, I knew it was time to get past my fears. Below you will find a slightly altered version of Shauna’s Gluten-Free Apple and Pear cobbler. Because Lucas is also dairy-free, I omitted the butter and sour cream, and substituted vegan options.
I took the cobbler to a potluck dinner that included all food bloggers, both gluten free and not. Everyone gave the cobbler a resounding approval. It’s pretty delicious. But then, it’s Shauna and Danny’s recipe, so that was kind of already guaranteed. I’ll be making this for Lucas this Thanksgiving, the first time any of us besides his parents have cooked him food for a holiday.
Where you should take note is that this novice was able to bake with gluten free flours for the very first time – and it was successful. Wildly successful!
Shauna and Danny (and well, let’s be honest, I’m pretty sure Lucy was pretty influential) wrote a book, called <a href=”Gluten Free Girl and the Chef. It’s based on Shauna’s blog, Gluten Free Girl, and it is as much a love story as it is a cookbook.

The book has already made it onto my Christmas shopping list for several friends and family, both gluten free and not. The story alone is worth the purchase. Just knowing that the kind of love that Shauna and Danny share exists in the world – is enough.
Make this cobbler for someone you love. Try something new. Try something that scares you. Because when you conquer it – when you conquer it for someone you love, the feeling is immeasurable.
Apple & Pear Cobbler
Gluten Free and Vegan, adapted from Gluten Free Girl and the Chef
Cobbler topping
2 c. King Arthur Flour gluten-free all purpose flour
1 tsp iodized salt
4 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 6 oz container of vanilla flavored coconut milk yogurt
4 tbsp chilled, cubed butter flavored vegetable shortening
Combine the flour with the salt, sugar, cardamom and cloves. Cut the pieces of shortening into the flour or use a food processor to pulse together until the mixture comes together with the texture of coarse cornmeal. Pour in the coconut milk yogurt, stirring with a rubber spatula. Stir until just combined, but do not overmix.
Cut two pieces of parchment paper to the size of your baking pan. Place the ball of dough between the two sheets of parchment paper, and then roll out into a rectangle the size and shape of your parchment – do this gently or your dough will turn out tough. Slide a thin plastic chopping sheet under the parchment, then slide into the refrigerator and let chill while you make the cobbler filling.
Apple and Pear cobbler filling
2 lbs. fresh apples (I used Organic Granny Smith)
2 lbs. Bartlett pears
1 c. fresh cranberries
Juice and zest of 1/2 a lemon
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 tsp ground cloves
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat the oven to 375F.
Peel, core, and dice the apples and pears. Add in fresh cranberries, then toss all with lemon juice and zest. Sprinkle sugar, cloves, and cinnamon on top, then splash vanilla extract over the top. Stir everything together until well distributed.
Remove the dough from the fridge, and place it on top of the fruit. Place in the oven and back for 35 to 45 minutes. When the cobbler feels firm to the touch and the fruit is bubbling around the edge of the pan, you’re ready to go.
Let it cool, and then, to quote Shauna, “then eat, with great gusto”.
More Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Dishes
Andrea’s Recipes | gluten-free pumpkin scones
Not Without Salt | gluten-free chocolate biscotti
Zest Bakery | warm pumpkin polenta with goat cheese
The Mommy Bowl | gluten-free bread
Smith Bites | gluten-free celery root soup with cashew cream
White on Rice Couple | Turkey Sloppy Joes on Rosemary Rolls
What’s Gaby Cooking | gluten-free molasses cookies
Kitchen Gadget Girl | gluten-free pumpkin strata
Rookie Moms | chocolate peanut butter brownies
Tiffin Tales | gluten-free Thanksgiving torte
Adventures of a Gluten-Free Mom | gluten, dairy and egg free crescent rolls and cinnamon rolls
Eat the Love | Gluten Free Maple Sweet Potato Cheesecake with Gingerbread Bottom
Gluten-Free Doctor Recipes | gluten-free sourdough rosemary rolls and gluten-free mincemeat cookies
The Art of Gluten-Free Baking | gluten-free pumpkin pie
Sophisticated Gourmet | cranberry-almond-coconut macaroons topped with chocolate
Cook 4 Seasons | gluten-free pumpkin mousse
Cook It Allergy Free | Cornbread and (Shauna’s) Crusty Bread Stuffing
Lexie’s Kitchen | dairy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, no-bake pumpkin pie filling
Recipe Girl | an entire Thanksgiving menu, gluten-free
Two Peas and Their Pod | gluten-free apple cranberry crisp
Gluten-Free for Good | gluten-free cherry cobbler
My Madeleine | butternut squash soup.
The Sensitive Pantry | gluten-free brown sugar hand pies
Art and Lemons | gluten-free rustic squash tarts
Bellalimento | Gluten Free Pumpkin Roll with Mascarpone and Nutella Filling
Mom Food Project | an entire Thanksgiving, gluten-free
Gluten-Free Easily | candy carrot coins
Dish Towel Diaries | kale Caesar slaw
A Baking Life | gluten-free gingerbread cake
Glugle Gluten-Free | gluten-free pumpkin muffins
Wenderly | sweet and savory prosciutto cups
Cannelle Et Vanille | sweet potato and crabapple clafoutis
Who Ate My Tomato | gluten-free squash tart
What’s Cooking with Kids | gluten-free apple crisp
Food For My Family | Apple Pie Cheesecake
CakeSpy | turkey meatloaf cupcakes
Wasabimon! | gluten-free butternut squash pie
[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Apple and Pear Cobbler for Lucas – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]
Gluten Free Butternut Squash Pie Recipe - The Culinary Life
Monday 16th of March 2015
[…] Blue Bonnets and Brownies | apple and pear cobbler […]
Evan @swEEts
Tuesday 16th of November 2010
This is wonderful.. I try to make gluten free desserts for my boyfriends father who suffers from Celiacs.. baking GF is tricky, but those who can't have the gluten are always so thankful :) I'm sure Lucas loved this!
Tuesday 16th of November 2010
Amber, I love this. You can feel your love for Lucas, and your whole family. Food is such a beautiful way to show your love, and this cobbler looks perfect :).
Tuesday 16th of November 2010
Awww. What a wonderful story! I'm glad you were able to get over your fear of baking gluten free. It's not so hard once you start doing it! And with all the awesome new gluten free flour mixes out there, you don't even need to do what I do and buy a million different flours to mix and match.
Though, once you start doing it and seeing how easy and how good it is, I'm sure you'll be baking up a storm for Lucas. He's a lucky cousin, though it sounds like you're pretty lucky to have him as you a cousin as well.
Monday 15th of November 2010
This is delicious, delicious, delicious. I know...I was one of the lucky ones who got to taste test the goods. I think Lucas is just going to love this dessert! Happy Thanksgiving.