Just the phrase Sunday suppers brings up a lot of memories for me. When I was a kid, we spent a lot of our time at my grandparents’. If you’ve read my blog before, you know how incredibly close to my Nanny and Gaga I was. We didn’t just spend Sundays there, during the summer …
Bluebonnet Baker
Holy Apple Rhubarb Chutney, Batman! Last weekend, some of our dearest friends came over to help us christen our new hot tub. We had a fabulous dinner, followed by pink champagne that had been hanging out in our fridge for a celebratory occasion for over two years. It’s not that we hadn’t wanted to drink …
Who doesn’t love a pumpkin empanada? Or an empanada of any kind, for that matter? Call it what you will: pasty, pocket, pie, or kolache, pastry enclosed pockets of food have been around probably almost as long as bread has. There’s not a single cuisine I can think of that doesn’t have some riff on …
Buttermilk Fried Chicken. Nothing conjures images of checked gingham, wicker picnic baskets and Fourth of July fireworks like a perfectly succulent fried chicken drumstick. Biting through the crispy, salty, perfectly juicy leg is to remember everything that’s right with Southern food. So maybe it’s bad for your arteries, but it sure is good for your …
Do you love pumpkin? Of course you do! (Well, unless you’re Annie from With Sprinkles On Top.) I love pumpkin so much, I’d marry it if I were a polygamist. Too much? Way back in August (sheesh, way back? waaah!), when I went to the Big Summer Potluck, I got to meet Abby Dodge, who …
When you’re from Texas, you feel a certain responsibility to how you treat beef. Texas is cattle country, first and foremost, from the panhandle to the southernmost tip. Even the Ford Motor Company knows how seriously we take our cattle ranching – they developed the King Ranch Edition Ford F150 for the largest cattle ranch …
If you’ve seen or even heard of the television show Friday Night Lights, you might have an inkling as to how important local high school football is to Texan culture – especially South Texan culture. There are entire towns in South Texas where the *only* thing to do, talk about, or enjoy on a weekend …
Why do I call it miraculous? Because my husband ate it. “That’s not a miracle!”, you say – unless you know James. My husband has an aversion bordering on phobia of most things cheese. There’s no rhyme or reason to it, as he’ll eat pizza, cheeseburgers, and cheddar and crackers. But if you put fondue, …
Before I talk to you about this pretty drink, I’d like to talk to you about friendship. If you’ve read my recent blog entries, you know that I count myself a whole lot richer on the friend front since the Big Summer Potluck. One of these dear, lovely, amazing, strong women that I met that …
I can’t tell you a lie. James and I are really horrible at eating leftovers. Whether it’s from a restaurant or delicious food made right here at home, both of us are horrible at facing that same flavor combination the next day. I’ve found a way to combat that though, when it comes to chicken. …