There are three things I absolutely adore about Vermont. 1. Views like this: 2. You can get Country music on the radio. 3. Green Mountain Coffee. A couple of years ago, James insisted we move from our 12-cup standard coffee maker to a Keurig brewer. This ingenious little machine takes a vacuum packed “K-cup”, and …
Bluebonnet Baker
Believe it or not, a lot of the time, I don’t use recipes. I let the ingredients guide me. Case in point: the delicious creation you’re feasting your eyes on just above these words. After a trip to Trader Joe’s, I had a new bottle of Marsala wine. I’d never really cooked with it, though …
Whoa Mama. Can I tell you how excited I was when these babies first came out of the oven? Never in my life have I baked something that looked identical to what I would find in the neighborhood bakery, or even a Starbucks (I mean, come on, have you seen their quality control?). A while …
Oh boy. You know, I shouldn’t work on this blog when I haven’t eaten breakfast. It doesn’t bode well for my eating choices for the rest of the day. For example, I have more of these meatballs in the fridge right now. Suitable breakfast? Maybe not. Suitably delicious? You bet. This recipe was very generously …
You know it must be cold when all you want to eat are oatmeal, soups, stews, and pies. Autumn is really feeling more like Winter to me right now. Maybe because New Jersey’s version of Autumn is what we call Winter in San Antonio. You’d think I’d be used to that by now, but not …
Borracho Beans, or “Drunk” beans, are a year round favorite in San Antonio, but I personally love them doubly so in Autumn. They’re warm, and earthly, and oh so filling. Great for eating before you head out to the Friday night lights of the home team’s football game.
Tortilla Soup is quite famous throughout San Antonio, as the cure to many ills, from a common cold to a terrible hangover. Probably one of the best restaurants to get it from in SA is Jim’s Restaurant. In fact, the coffee shop is kinda famous for it. Last time James and I were home, my …
My sister and niece arrived for their first visit to our new house last Tuesday. If you’ve ever met my sister and shared a meal with her, one thing becomes clear very quickly: the girl has an otherworldly relationship with chocolate. Once, we went to P.F. Chang’s for dinner. She thought the food was alright, …
It’s cold here in New Jersey, and to me, that means its time for comfort food. Soups, stews, and pies! Pies like you get in England, savory, stick to your ribs food that keeps you warm when you go outside. Like when I’ll go outside to rake and leaf blow the ten thousand leaves on …
Ranger Cookies are possibly better than Oatmeal Raisin cookies. And I gotta be honest, that’s really saying something for me. I found the recipe in my new version of the Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book. It’s a great book to have around for all your cooking basics. I got the version that is spiral …