So this post isn’t by your wonderful blog author, but instead her web tech and general dogsbody husband, James. She’s been nagging me for a while about posting my recipe for Rock cakes, so here you go. Enjoy! Now Rock Cakes aren’t exactly southern fare, in fact they belong more in Hogwarts than Texas, but …
Bluebonnet Baker
I joined a new Yahoo group for cheap cooking, and everyone is amazingly friendly. I found the group when I was playing around online on Sunday night, looking for menu ideas. You see, I decided to plan an entire month’s worth of meals in one go. Being the geeky girl that I am, I used …
Club sandwiches were a favorite growing up. There used to be this pub.. or, the closest thing to a pub you can find in San Antonio, called Chelsea Street Pub. They tried desperately hard to be very British. One of the coolest things about the place though, was that they had live music on Friday …
This is another one of those gems from my Nanny. I can’t quite explain why I never thought to combine pasta and chili, but YUM! About 10 years ago I swung by her house for dinner, and this is what I was met with. She didn’t put sausage in it, but that’s because she used …
Breakfast tacos. On every worth-their-salt Mexican restaurant menu in Texas. The great thing about these is that it doesn’t matter if you’re vegetarian, carnivore, or somewhere in between, you can fill your taco with whatever tickles your fancy, and have a delicious breakfast in just a few minutes. I’m pretty sure the first time I …
I could dive right in to that bowl, you know. Head first into Flavortown. The simplicity of this recipe belies the effort that went into its creation. My mother has perfected this recipe with years of experimentation. Everyone that’s ever tasted it says she should jar and sell it. So I publish the recipe here …
I don’t really know when this recipe came into my grandmother’s rotation, but I can say that the entire family got down on their knees and gave thanks that it did. This simple coffee cake is great for breakfast, snack, or after dinner dessert. You just can’t go wrong with a combination of brown sugar, …
So, if you’ve ever met my dad and spent any significant amount of time with him, you learn two things pretty quickly: 1) He’s a musician. 2) He LOVES to eat. Funny enough about a guy who loves to eat, he couldn’t cook a lick when my parents got married. He literally struggled to boil …
Carne Guisada (car-ney gee-sada) is a thick Mexican beef stew, typically served in flour tortillas, which, by definition, makes a taco. For future reference – food inside tortilla = taco, regardless of the variable fillings. You can have it on its own, or topped with cheddar cheese and sour cream. Where I come from, it’s …
Brownies themselves are the stuff of lunchroom bake sales and hot July afternoons, paired with an ice cold glass of fresh lemonade. But I’ll tell ya, you don’t need no stinkin’ box to make brownies. It’s just as easy to make brownies with all the pantry standards you already have in stock. And then there’s …