So here’s the thing. Oreos? They’re kind of an issue for me. I love them. Big puffy heart love them. They come in really fun flavors, like Candy Cane and Berry Burst Ice Cream. I mean, come on – they’ve been Milk’s favorite cookie for longer than I’ve been alive.
We try not to bring them into the house that often. For one, I can’t be trusted around a packet. If it’s open, every time I swing past it in the kitchen, another cookie disappears.
For another, they sadly contain high fructose corn syrup, which I really try to avoid. I only mention this because I’m hoping that some day, Oreo will see this post ( or one of the many around the interwebs) and maybe decide to leave it out.
That being said, there are other organic “Oreo”-esque cookies out there that work for these little bites of love, or you can make your own.

When I found this candy mold at Target, I had to have it. I’m sure you can find it in the holiday display of your local Target, or most craft stores, but you could also do something similar yourself with a silicone muffin pan, and a deft hand at drawing chocolate hearts after the initial chocolate layer has hardened.

Valentine Chocolate Dipped Oreos
makes 16 chocolate dipped cookies
16 Berry Berry Burst Ice Cream Oreos or your favorite sandwich cookie
1 bag dark chocolate flavored candy melts
1 bag vanilla candy melts, pink color
Melt one bag of pink colored vanilla candy melts (available at most craft stores), in the microwave. It took me about 2 1/2 minutes to do this, stirring after each 60 seconds. Make sure that the candy is completely melted, as small bits will cause clogs in the piping bag.
Pour the melted candy into a ziptop bag or piping bag. Cut a very small tip on the bag, and pipe the pink candy into the heart indentations. I’m not precise enough to only pipe the outlines of the hearts, so I filled them in.
Wait for the pink chocolate to harden slightly, then repeat the melting process with dark chocolate candy flavored melts. Fill the rest of the disk with the dark chocolate half way, then press a cookie into the mold.
Place the mold(s) in the refrigerator for about an hour, until the candy has completely hardened. Remove from the refrigerator and pop the cookies out of the mold by bending the plastic slightly while you pry. They should pop out easily.
Keeps in an airtight container for at least a week.
If you can’t find a mold, use a silicone cupcake pan. Reverse the process – do the dark chocolate and cookie layer first. When they have hardened in the refrigerator, remove from the silicone pan and hand-pipe pink hearts on.
[wpurp-searchable-recipe]Valentine Chocolate Dipped Oreos – – – [/wpurp-searchable-recipe]
Sunday 10th of February 2013
Pink and chocolate are the best things ever!
Wednesday 13th of February 2013
Totally agree!
Sunday 3rd of February 2013
Omg just getting around to seeing this post and it looks amazing! Def a perfect special treat!
Wednesday 13th of February 2013
Aww, thanks for your sweet words, Steph!
Erin @ Texanerin Baking
Thursday 31st of January 2013
Over here, Oreos come in boxes with 5 Oreos to each package. So it's like you're forced to eat 5. And that fifth one is so good that you have to open another package. And then whoops... 10 gone. Then you just feel sick. And oh my. Berry burst ice cream Oreos? I swear, they're coming up with crazy stuff. I mean, it sounds great, but how many varieties are there now?! Maybe I'm just jealous I can't try any of them. :)
Anyway, these are super cute and I love the little hearts on top!
Wednesday 13th of February 2013
Erin, you need to come for a visit and check them all out! I remember the 5 packs from our UK days. Totally had those HOW DID I EAT 10 OREOS moments too.
Glory/ Glorious Treats
Wednesday 30th of January 2013
So cute! And yes, oreos around here "disappear" far too quickly! I've found the Trader Joe's brand (Jo Jos) are really good and a close match.
Wednesday 13th of February 2013
You're absolutely right, Glory, the Jojos are great! I just wasn't setting foot near a Trader Joe's on the weekend :)
Wednesday 30th of January 2013
These are so incredibly cute! The perfect treat for Valentine's Day. Love!
Wednesday 13th of February 2013
Thank you, dear Tracy!